Kit/Fit Prototype

Kit/Fit Prototype

Logo, Exhibition Graphics, Web Content Management

Fall 2010, Ball State University
Design team: Ashley (Wilson) Respecki & Nicholas Respecki
Design tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
Faculty advisor: Stephen Kendall, PhD

Visit the site: Ball State University Kit/Fit


“Open building suggests that;

  • buildings are never finished
  • users should have control ‘behind their front doors’
  • to accomplish this in practice, technical solutions at the ‘fit-out’ level are needed to make this possible

A ‘fit-out’ includes the kit of parts needed to fill in empty space inside of a building. The base building is a site-specific architectural infrastructure with open floor plans ready to be filled by an architect or design team. Therefore, a fit-out is essentially a consumer product/service that allows for, in theory, maximum customization of personal space.” —Why: The Short,

After decades of research and interest in the field of open building, Ball State University Professor, Stephen Kendall, PhD, decided to develop a prototype as an application of his comprehensive knowledge in the field. In the fall of 2010, Professor Kendall led a team of twelve (12) students in a design/build project to develop a prototype for the application of several open building technologies primarily being used overseas in the construction industry. With the support of over a dozen leading building product manufacturers, the team was able to develop a full-size 25’ x 10’ prototype demonstrating the application of several fit-out systems. The entire project was completed at minimal cost due to considerable donations. Completed over three months, the team worked in varying capacities to complete the design, construction, and marketing goals for the prototype.

As the project progressed, the business potential became evident and Professor Kendall sought to reach a larger audience. Through web presence, and print and digital graphics, the Kit/Fit Prototype became a brand. Essential to the Kit/Fit’s success is the explicit understanding of why and how the fit-out systems used in the project are essential to residential growth and housing customization. The general public and potential investors’ exposure to these methods was, and still is, key to the future success of the Kit/Fit brand.

Through hosting, the Kit/Fit blog obtained frequent visitors and became a vital marketing and communication tool for the team. The final infographics remain on site. Until demolition, the Kit/Fit Prototype functioned as an education tool for construction methods, open building systems, fit-out applications, and residential customization in the United States.


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